Wednesday, 30 December 2009

It's like Romeo and Juliet but completely different...

So, I've been playing WoW for 3 and a bit years and for all that time I've been on the Horde side of things. I've hated dwarfs with a burning passion, felt disgusted when looking at those space-goat-squid-things called Draenai and laughed out loud at Gnomes. I always thought I was Horde through and through. That was, until I got bored and did one of those wonderful ways Blizzard has thought to make even more money from their overly addicted fanbase, a Faction change.

I took a character (my mage) which I loved to play but just couldn't bring myself to do the same quests in Northrend for the 4th time and turned him into...a GNOME! *Dramatic music/Drop Jaw/"SAY WHAAAT?!"*

So this Romeo and Juliet style hatred for the other side which I had harboured for 3 years, killed other players in Battleground to prove my love for the horde was shattered by a 3ft dude in a dress. It's as if he's my Juliet.

So, this little scraggly haired, highpitched halfling has melted my heart after 3 years of hatred. I logged into my Horde side guild and getting asked where'd I'd been for a few days by some guild members, who I hadn't told over Ventrilo where I currently was, and I proudly answered "Levelling my Gnome mage." This was greeted with a few "lol," "omg" and a couple of "traitors!" If I didn't have my Gnome, I'd probably have done the same when finding out a fellow guild member had started levelling an alliance character. Now, after that I thought I'd leave it. I wasn't going to go as far as running off to fake my own death or anything so I got around to doing my Horde-ish things when I got a few whispers, "What's it's name?" "What level is it?" "Didn't know you played alliance." I replied and then, thinking I'd get the reply of "lol gonna gank you!" I got "Oh cool, I'll add you on my 'toon then."

Thinking about it, in a game which you can't actually win, which seems is currently being steered into a much more casual direction people start to get bored on their characters, especially if they cant get better gear without new content being released, and start looking for something new, seeing as doing the same quests over and over gets very boring, extremely fast. That was my main excuse for transfering anyways, to see new stuff.

So, in this case, my "For the Horde!" attitude has been reduced and with the introduction of a new Night elf druid to let me take a look at low level quests on the Alliance side of things it's like the happy ending of a Bill Shakespeare classic. Y'know without the whole faking of death/confusing and suicide. That'd just be weird.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Drumroll pur-LEEZ

That's right, another World of Warcraft related blog! After a little bit of thought, a lack of sleep and, possibly the contributer to 90% if not more of the blogs in the world, bordem I've decided to give this blogging lark a bit of a go.

As you can see, the name is Slash two (/2 as it shall be known henchforth as it is easier to type and stuffs) is the default trade channel in the World of Warcraft. As anyone that plays WoW will know, /2 is full of anything BUT trade. So that's what this blog will be full of, basically. If you're on an RP server (which, the majority of my characters are...), I will not be keeping trade chat IC, I will not be using the double brackets of wankyness.

So, this blog will be full of stuff like - QQ about nerfs/other classes being better than the currently class I was playing when I got owned by said class because I suck and I don't want to admit i- because they're overpowered. Stuff that has nothing to do with World of Warcraft (I'm a self confessed geek, there-fore other games may make an appearance from time to time). Stuff about raids. Bragging rights, etc etc. Hopefully it'll be the "good" parts of trade chat and not those fucking gold sellers which, if they're going to attempt to sell me gold might aswell learn english or get a better online translater...

Sometimes, they go to pretty impressive lengths

So anyways, WoW was the second MMORPG I ever played, with a brief run in with Guild Wars. My old main was a Warrior tank but after rolling an Undead Rogue I switched mains and haven't looked back since. I'm a self-proclaimed altaholic, with a Warrior, Hunter and Mage all at level 80 and a shaman and Death knight in the 70's.

I currently raid everything I can get my hands on, with all my level 80 characters. Some of it is in my guild, which I've been in from almost the start of my WoW life-time and some of it is in PuG's.

So yeah, that's pretty much is. WoW blog. Blogging will be of the WoW flavour the majority of the time. If that's your thing, take a looksie!